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Thumb for Wanaka 3

Wanaka 3

WebGL portfolio website

On this project

  • ThreeJS
  • GLSL Shaders & GPGPU
  • Page transitions with Barba
  • Motion One
  • Alpine.js
  • Wordpress
  • Optimization

The last few months I've spent at Wanaka have been mostly dedicated to building the company's third portfolio website (the last one dated back to 2016).

The biggest challenge was to have a fully functional website without the 3D that could be progressively enhanced with ThreeJS-based 3D and visual effects. Each effect is enabled or not according to the device-capabilities.

The particles interaction is build using GPGPU: the position of each particle is computed on the GPU, with a shader, instead of looping through each one on the CPU.

There are quite a few micro-interactions and Easter eggs. Don't hesitate to wander around to find them!